“Heretic” is an upcoming American horror thriller directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, the duo known for their work on “A Quiet Place” and “65”. Set to be released by A24 on November 15, 2024, this film marks a new venture into the horror genre for actor Hugh Grant, who stars alongside Chloe East and Sophie Thatcher.
Plot Summary
The plot centers around two young Mormon missionaries, played by Chloe East and Sophie Thatcher, who visit the home of an eccentric man named Mr. Reed, portrayed by Hugh Grant. Their mission to convert him quickly spirals into a deadly game of cat and mouse, revealing the darker, more sinister undertones of their host. The film promises to explore themes of faith, survival, and the unseen horrors that can lurk behind seemingly benign facades.
Cast and Characters
- Hugh Grant as Mr. Reed: An enigmatic and potentially dangerous man who becomes the target of the missionaries’ conversion efforts.
- Chloe East as Sister Paxton: One of the young missionaries caught in the deadly game.
- Sophie Thatcher as Sister Barnes: The other missionary who faces the harrowing ordeal with Paxton.
Production Team
The film is directed and written by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, who also serve as producers along with Stacey Sher and Julia Glausi. The cinematography is handled by Chung Chung-hoon, with Justin Li as the editor and Chris Bacon composing the music. The film was produced by A24 in collaboration with Beck/Woods, Catchlight Studios, and Shiny Penny.
Filming and Release
Principal photography took place in Vancouver, from October to November 2023, under an interim agreement allowing filming to continue during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. “Heretic” is currently in post-production, with the film set to be released in theaters on November 15, 2024.
Expectations and Reception
“Heretic” has generated considerable buzz due to its intriguing premise and the involvement of high-profile talent like Hugh Grant. The collaboration of Beck and Woods, known for their gripping storytelling and atmospheric tension, with A24’s reputation for high-quality horror films, has set high expectations among fans and critics alike.
For more details, you can visit the official A24 page or check out updates on IMDb.